ProjectWise Explorer Help

Working with Workflows and States

A workflow is an ordered group of milestones called states, through which a document passes on its way to completion. Workflows are created in ProjectWise Administrator and can be assigned to folders and work areas as needed in ProjectWise Explorer and ProjectWise Web Parts. Access control security settings can be applied to a workflow, and to each state in a workflow, so that only certain users have access to a document when it is in a particular state.

When a workflow is first assigned to a folder or work area, the documents in that folder or work area are placed in the first state of the workflow. When a document completes its first milestone, the user working on the document sends it to the next state in the workflow. Users with access to that next state can then begin working on the document. The process continues until the document passes through all states in the workflow and is considered to be finished. Users with appropriate permissions and user settings can place the document in final status to indicate that the document has reached the end of the workflow. Documents in final status are read-only, to prevent anyone, regardless of permissions, from further modifying the document.

To change a document's state, your user setting Document > Can change state must be on, and both your Write and Change Workflow State permissions must be on for that document.

To set final status on a document, your user setting Document > Can set final status must be on, and your Change Workflow State permission must on for that document. To remove final status, your user setting Document > Can remove final status must be on, and your Change Workflow State permission must be on for that document.

Tip: Documents at the root of a folder or work area must share the same workflow, but they can be in different states of the workflow. The folder state is considered to be the lowest state in the assigned workflow in which at least one document still exists. To change a document's workflow, you must change the workflow of the parent folder or work area.
Note: Changing a document's state may result in an email notification being sent to designated users, if the workflow has a workflow messaging agent assigned to it in ProjectWise Administrator.